Beulah's Place of Expression

Beulah's Place of Expression is designed to allow for the expression of creativity through spoken word, poetry, thought processes, and divine insight and deliberation. All expression is thought to be revealed by the Divine Creator of the Heaven and Earth. Enjoy your stay at Beulah's Place as you allow the words, in any form expressed, to open, stretch, and take you on a wonderful journey of affirmation and communication.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


A reflective look back into time:

As I sit and reflect over my life in 2006, I am compelled to take a deeper plunge into the abyss of my soul. I look back and wonder who this person really is, I call into my inner-man, and I say, "Hey, didn’t you know from the beginning of time that I would fail you in so many ways?" I wait for an answer, I wait, and I wait, and I wait. No answer seems to resonate in my spirit. So I continue with the days that go by, wondering if purpose, passion, love, understanding, bitterness, misconceptions, doubt, loneliness, lack of self-control, manipulation, arrogance, pride, happiness, forgiveness, unforgiveness, strife, fury, rage, wrath, compassion, lies, deceit, are staples of everyone's emotional state of being.... or just mine? I take a look in the mirror, I stare into eyes that, as the old saying goes, are the window of my soul, and I can't see anything but the jade green eyeliner, and the dark brown mascara that has begun to clump in places, so I say to myself, "Maybe, I need to look in my make-up magnifying mirror, cause it reveals everything, even those few hairs that seem to pop up on my chin every once in a while." I pull the mirror closer, I sit up a little straighter, I look directly in it and say, " Mirror, Mirror, on the vanity tell me who I am? And what is my destiny?" I get no response, so I look closer this time, my nose touching the reflection in the mirror, and once again I say, "Mirror, Mirror on the vanity tell me who I am? And what is my destiny?" Nothing, Nada, Zip, Zero. I begin to laugh; I mean not just a chuckle or a giggle, not just a keekee or a heehee.... I mean a big rolling on the floor, belly over, guffaw, snorting, kicking your feet in the air laugh. Once I get over how ridiculous and new agey my behavior seems, I lie on that floor in my bathroom and begin to sob.... I am so blessed I remind myself, and no matter what ranges my emotions take on any given day, including Sunday, I know that I am Created in the Image and Likeness of a Heavenly Father that shows and endows me in Unconditional Love. I have, on so many occasions, failed in my walk as a Christian according to the mandates of His Word, and knowing me, the way I know myself, I will probably repeat this over and over as I sojourn and seek His face. For traveling the road to destiny is not an easy trek, it can be filled with tricks, snares, traps, and evil, for this is the wide broad road and many can fit on it with you, but if you take your time to create, plan, seek, pray, and release fear, you will find a pathway that only few have traveled and reached their full potential.... this is the narrow road. It will take courage, strength, tenacity, endurance, perseverance and it will not necessarily be a trip to write home about in the beginning, but trust me if you stay focused on the prize, which is the High Calling in Christ Jesus, you will be able to drink from a fountain that will keep you from thirsting for anything that is not destined to be yours, ever again. You will have obtained that High Place and you will be fulfilled like you could never imagine. So I challenge you, and myself, to take a look back at the past year, and ask yourself a few questions, " Did you make it to that place you wanted to reach in 2006? Did you lack the discipline and motivation to achieve that place?" If you didn't make it, "Did you even take the time to fashion a goal, dream, or plan for 2006?" If you answered "No" to any of these questions, then chalk up as a learning experience, don't be plagued by guilt and condemnation, and make a pact with yourself to do better in the year, of completion, the year of perfection, the year 2007. As this year comes to an end, and the new one swiftly approaches, I am awakened with new possibilities, goals, dreams, and I can feel an excitement rising up deep within me and at times, it even calls to me, whispering, " It's a new season, it's a new day, Dream big in such a way, that only God can hear you and make it plain." I am giggling now, at my ability to laugh at myself, love myself, honor myself, and trust myself. My friends, I hope that you will also discover that you were all created for Greatness, no matter what others say or have said, no matter where you are today in your walk with the Lord, or whether you have not explored a relationship with Him at all, Just remember to be good to yourself and others, and God will always be in the middle of that...For He is Love. I want to close with my theme: 2006's theme for my life is "To Thine Own Self Be True" words that I didn’t always live by, but made an attempt to do exactly that in 2006 and for all the years to come. I have finally penned my theme for 2007...."Do not go where you are Tolerated, But go where you are Celebrated” I refuse in this year to allow others to dishonor me with any negative or pessimistic outlooks. I will, as you will, Not Be Defeated... Trust your inner-man.... He is all Knowing and all Consuming....


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