Can I ever get past this....YES!
I was having a great day today and then I heard the words that made my head jerk back, "How did you lose that weight?". I thought quickly to myself, what weight was this lady referring too? Could it be that she had snuck her way into the back of my closet over the last few months and heard my crying and praying, to my Lord, that I needed and desired to be whole and complete? Or was it the way she said it with a knowing eye, that I must have been pushing back the plate on occasion because the caboose was getting loose. Well whatever the reason, I felt that same nagging in my mind, that once again I have been exposed to the wiles and tricks of some evil force, that wills some control over my emotions. The first thought was why can't people just mind their own business and the other thought was, will I ever measure up to someone else's twisted imagination of who I am.
I am glad that as I was contemplating what to do or say, my cell phone rang and on the other end was a voice so soothing and familiar. That voice was filled with joy and anticipation as the new question of the day filled my ravishing thoughts, "Hello and how is your day going?" I wanted to jump for joy as my mind began to celebrate the perfect timing of my new found friend, as he came to my rescue unknowingly. I was now excused from the cares of this situation by a simple act of kindness. After my conversation with my trusted friend, I began to ponder on how a person's emotions can be so heightened by one word of discontentment. I realized at that very moment that if my emotions were on high like that everyday, then how could I rationally differentiate between fact and fabrication? The Truth finally appeared and began to challenge me in a way that shed light onto this eventful day. The Truth revealed that I must stand and look that evil thing in its face and say with all authority, " I have let go of the baggage of yesterday, the weight and heaviness of my past, and I am now light and free of man's opinion of me." If they do not like it, Oh well..... I LOVE IT!
Exodus, states And thou shalt speak unto him, and put words in his mouth: and I will be with thy mouth, and with his mouth, and will teach you what ye shall do. We should love our enemy.. Praise the Lord for the Cell Phone and how we should learn to silence our mouth which can be a armament towards others. Job well Done!!!!
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